Things are looking up!

I had a lovely weekend away at my mom’s house this weekend. The weather was crap but was able to get the rest of Lily’s christmas shopping done, now just for Euan and Lewis!
Definitely feeling the Christmas cheer, for the first time in years, because of my little blended family.
My mom bought me a ‘one-cup’ which I will be reviewing in my next post, so far it’s really handy to be able to have a cuppa even when I can’t lift a kettle. (Another thing I will never take for granted again!) It’s so shiny and new too!
We got back today and I haven’t done much other than give my Bullet Journal a big hug (stupid fibro-fog meant I forgot to pack it and it felt like i’d cut off a limb!) I’ve also re-arranged my pretty washi-tapes and read most of The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying (which is AMAZING and I will also be reviewing once I’ve started my journey into the magic of tidying, which I expect will be later rather than sooner)


On to the good news, I had just sat down to write my daily ramble (otherwise known as this blog) when I got a call off an unknown number.
It’s was my OT! YES! you heard, I now have an OT! *does a little jig whilst sat down because she can’t get up*
My wonderful GP has referred me to an OT and they are going to be coming out soon to access the house and my shower/bath. I’m so happy about this!

I’m now off to go look lovingly at my new washi-tape and bask in the fact that people actually believe me and this pain is not all in my head.

It’s only 3pm!

It’s only 3pm here, and I’m already in bed, having had to sneak upstairs so I don’t show Lily how much pain I’m in.

She was at nursery this morning, L took her so that I could have a lie in, unfortunately due to pain, I couldn’t find a comfortable position to “lie in” with and so my lie in was cut short. Begrudgingly I went downstairs to find L already had the Wii set up, ready for another Monopoly marathon (we are pro’s at this game and quite frankly, addicted!)

As I lay on the sofa in my dressing gown, wincing every time L moved and knocked me, I realised that today was going to be one of those days where I wouldn’t get much done, let alone get dressed (oh hey pjs, don’t I look sexy in you?!) Rather than get upset, I concentrated on beating L to a pulp at Monopoly and decided to see how many cups of tea I could drink continuously. (I think I got to 5, I’m clearly not a true Yorkshire woman, I apologise)


After a few rounds on the Wii, it was time to pick Lily up from nursery, again, L had to go as I wasn’t dressed and quite frankly Scarborough isn’t ready to witness me in my pj glory!

I managed to play a few rounds of “shops” with Lily, before she started charging me ridiculous prices and made me realise she is going to be one heck of a business woman when she’s older!
So yeah, it’s 3pm and I’m back in bed. I can’t get warm and my hands and feet are like ice. I’m sick and dizzy, in pain and light headed from the pain relief I’m on. Fibromyalgia isn’t sexy, it sucks. It’s not living the life of luxury, it’s stuck in bed when you desperately just want to play with your daughter.

I’m 26 and I feel like I’m 80. But it’s ok, because the granny life kinda suits me.

It’s 3pm and I’m in bed, but everything will be ok, because I’m going to make sure it is.

It appears I can…

….post from my phone!

This is just a test entry, to see if it actually works. If it does then it means I can update from my bed, and that makes me more excited than a toddler in a ball pit! 
Tonight I will be kicking L’s arse at Monopoly, it’s become a nightly routine and I love it! 

First get Lily to bed, then relax and play Monopoly on the Wii! Great for cosy nights in while the weather fights with itself outside. 
What do you guys do to relax? 

Ok, here goes!

Nobody told me that blogging would be so nerve-wracking! Wow!
I’ve been sat here for about half hour, twiddling my thumbs and wondering how to start this blog off, after-all, who would be interested in my life?
But, someone might be, I want to inspire fellow chronic illness sufferers, I want to educate people about Fibromyalgia and how it can affect ANYONE! Hey, yeah, you too! I’m 26 and it hit me like a metaphorical brick about a year ago, straight out of nowhere I went from being addicted to my treadmill, to my treadmill being used as a clothes horse! (It’s just a very expensive clothes horse, but I can’t bear to let it go)

So, I guess I better just throw myself in at the deep end eh?
I’m 26 and was recently diagnosed with Fibromyalgia after a year of being a pin cushion for trainee phlebotomist’s, given sooo many different medicines that I felt like a drug addict and so many Dr’s appointments that I started learning to receptionists names! To top it off, apparently my diagnosis isn’t even official until I see a fancy Rheumatologist at the end of the month, great!

I live in the best part of England, Yorkshire! It’s so hilly and wonderful (please re-read that with a sarcastic undertone as I can’t get up said hills without a walking stick and just going to the corner shop can make me feel about 80 years old)
I live with my partner in crime, Lewis (wonderful man, no sarcasm needed) my 3 year old daughter Lily (who WILL grow up to be a Prime Minister or something) and occasionally we have my partner’s son come stay with us, Euan (who it’s the CUTEST little kid ever and I’m well jealous of his curly hair and gorgeous smile!)

I have been battling my inner thoughts for some time now, gone through the grieving process of not being able to do what I used to be able to (eurgh, I miss my treadmill) and a wise lady told me that blogging could be therapeutic, since I find meditation annoying and can’t ‘rest my mind’ for toffee, I thought I’d give it a go! You’ll have to excuse the brain fog though, and sometimes I use silly words instead of the right ones, it’s a talent!

So yeah, HI! I’m Jenn, please follow me otherwise I’ll feel like I’m talking to myself!